Personal Details
Academic Experience
The scientific basis for my present advisory services has been founded at the University of Cologne with my business studies focussing Auditing, Controlling and Tax Law as well as at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Accounting, Auditing und Business English. I became e business graduate in as 2003 before doing my doctorate at University Siegen about "Deferred taxes in IFRS Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements". The experiences from business transactions have been improved and enlarged in 2017 by a Master of Laws in Mergers and Acquisitions (LL.M. (M&A)) at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
Professional Experience
I have advised listet enterprises and internationally focused medium-sized companies in International Financial Reporting Standards since 2008. Starting as a Manager at Deloitte's IFRS Centre of Excellence and IFRS Advisory Services von Deloitte in Hamburg and gaining practical experience in auditing, I have supported these Kind of clients on a self-employed basis since 2012.
From the variety of different topics in this period of time assessments of control over entities regarding IFRS 10 and IFRS 11 (or SIC-12 and IAS 27 before) or lease transactions regarding IFRS 16 (or IFRIC 4 and IAS 17 before) have been "evergreens" of my consulting performance. Business combinations (IFRS 3) and Impairment Testing (IAS 36) accompany those examples of complex accounting issues. Of course, advisory in the recognition deferred taxes have been part of the approach, usually.
Many more challenges like IFRS transitions, assessment of equity or liability instruments, or recognition and valuation of provisions, intangibles or financial assets have contributed to my experiences. All these topics have had to be communicated within the Notes, adequately.
I have provided support for numerous different new and especially returning clients from many industries since 2008. There have been Internet-Start-ups, Retailers, Banking Institutions, Shopping Companies, Utilities and Renewable Energies, or Producers and suppliers.
Clients have been attracted from Germany and Austria, Switzerland, the UK, Luxembourg or Portugal as well. Of course, you can count on my readiness to travel as well as Timing and geographical flexibility.
How I do it
I try to support a good working atmosphere with my open and unpretentious nature within the projects. I quickly learn the complex strings based on my accounting knowledge and act as a reliable key contact for any level of hierarchy. I give an insightful understanding of complex accounting topics' requirements and impacts even to externals of the profession.

Dr. rer. pol. Thilo Nolte, LL.M.
since Dr. Nolte IFRS Consulting
01/2012 Freelancing business advisor
01/2008- Deloitte, Hamburg
12/2011 Manager at IFRS Advisory Services
11/2015- Frankfurt School of Finance
10/2017 Legal Studies (LL.M.)
11/2003- University Siegen
05/2008 Promotion
09/1997- University of Cologne
03/2003 Business Studies (Business Graduate)
08/2001- University of California Los Angeles
10/2001 The Anderson School of Business
08/1999- University of California Los Angeles
10/1999 American Language Center